
The Manchu Studies Blog is an informal place to share short write-ups related to Manchu Studies: conference reports, brief introduction to materials, translation, think-pieces, travelogues, or anything else too short or informal for the Saksaha journal but is nevertheless interesting and worth sharing.

To submit a piece of writing for the blog, please reach out to the web editor at [email protected].

  • Manchu as a tool language for European missionaries

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Manchu as a tool language for European missionaries

    Mario Cams Ph.D. Candidate KU Leuven Like some of the other missionaries at the Qing court in the early 18th century, the French Jesuit Joseph-Anne-Marie de Moyriac de Mailla (1669-1748) studied…

  • Zheng Tianting on Manchu

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Zheng Tianting on Manchu

    Zheng Tianting 关于学习满文的一封信 Zheng Tianting 鄭天挺 (1899-1981), one of the great 20th-c. historians of the Qing, was the author of a number of important early works on early Qing history,…

  • The Manchu Hymn and Epic Poetry

    Thumbnail for the post titled: The Manchu Hymn and Epic Poetry

    By Brian Tawney This post is a supplement to Manchu hymn chanted at the occasion of the victory over the Jinchuan Rebels. The form of this poem is similar to…

  • Manchu hymn chanted at the occasion of the victory over the Jinchuan Rebels

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Manchu hymn chanted at the occasion of the victory over the Jinchuan Rebels

    Elif Akçetin University of Illinois at Chicago Hymne mantchou chanté à l’occasion de la conquête du Jin-chuan Manchu hymn chanted at the occasion of the victory over the Jinchuan Rebels…


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