
Recent news and updates relating to Manchu Studies

  • Manchu Books Online: HYL

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    As previously announced, the Harvard-Yenching Library is currently digitizing many of the rare books in its Manchu and Mongolian collections. A few interesting books are already available. Of these eleven texts,…

  • Saksaha Flies East

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Saksaha Flies East

    The final printed edition of Saksaha: A Review of Manchu Studies  has arrived. With this final issue (No. 11) of Saksaha in print, we here at MSG are excited to inherit the…

  • March in Review

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    It was a good month for MSG. In case you missed the news, we had a wonderful inaugural meeting at the Association for Asian Studies in San Diego.  Please visit…

  • We’re Official

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    We are proud to announce the official establishment of the Manchu Studies Group! On Thursday March 21, 2013 we held our inaugural meeting in conjunction with the Association for Asian Studies annual…

  • Traumatic Arts

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    The Asia Society is currently featuring a show entitled “The Artful Recluse: Painting, Poetry, and Politics in Seventeenth-Century China.”  The show features paintings by Ming loyalists produced during the early…

  • Young Manchus Online

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Young Manchus Online

    Everyone is aware of the considerable volume of material pertaining to Manchu studies and Manchu culture that is available online, including a number of sites that aim to increase popular…

  • February in Review

    Thumbnail for the post titled: February in Review

    Dear friends and members, This February saw a flurry of activity at MSG. We are happy to report that the blog is expanding rapidly, and our goal is to post…

  • The Manchu-language conquest of Xinjiang

    Thumbnail for the post titled: The Manchu-language conquest of Xinjiang

    For some time anticipation has been building over the publication of a major collection of Manchu-language documents on Xinjiang, Qingdai Xinjiang Manwen dang’an huibian 《清代新疆满文档案汇编》.  The good news is that…

  • Manchu Roots

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Manchu Roots

    On January 30, the LA Times reported on the reemergence of Manchu identities in the PRC. To read the full article visit their website.

  • PRC Manchu studies at a turning point?

    Thumbnail for the post titled: PRC Manchu studies at a turning point?

    Two news items from the past year, linked below, suggest that with the oft-reported demise of the last “native speakers” of Manchu in Heilongjiang, new attention is being brought to…


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