Profiles of Researchers in Manchu Studies

Are you a Manchu Studies Group member who wants a profile (or do you want to update a profile that’s already here)? Email a brief bio and picture of yourself to [email protected]

Elif Akçetin

Elif Akcetin is a cultural historian, specializing in eighteenth-century China. Her research focuses on material culture and consumption, the cultural practices of state-making and Qing governmentality. In 2014 she was the recipient, with three other colleagues, of the “Collaborative Reading-Workshop Grant” by the Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Program in China Studies, for the project “Translating Manchu in the Qing.” The resulting workshop took place in May 2015 at Harvard University. Her website:

He Bian (邊和)

He Bian in Northeast China in 2013, visiting a farm near Hegang where my parents worked as “sent-down youths” in 1969-76.He Bian is a historian of late imperial China and a historian of science, with a special focus on medicine. She graduated from Harvard University with a PhD in History of Science in 2014, and has taught at Princeton as Assistant Professor in History and East Asian Studies since then. Learn more about her from her Q+A in our Meet a Member feature.

Peter Dekker

Peter Dekker is a collector and independent researcher of Qing dynasty arms and armor, most notably Manchu archery related gear. His approach goes from researching period accounts, texts and artwork to studying antique artifacts, reproducing and testing Manchu archery equipment. As an archer Peter is currently reconstructing the Manchu military style of archery, the height of his research so far being the encounter with Ku Ku of the Tunggiya clan (daughter of the illustrious martial artist Tong Zhongyi), who is the last known formally trained Manchu archer alive who expressed to him: “There is hope.” Peter’s website dedicated to Manchu archery:

Mark Elliott

IMG_0429_2Mark Elliott (PhD, UC Berkeley) is the Mark Schwartz Professor of Chinese and Inner Asian History in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University, where among other things he teaches courses in Manchu and Manchu studies. He is the author of two books, The Manchu Way (Stanford, 2001), and Emperor Qianlong: Son of Heaven, Man of the World (Longman, 2009), along with numerous articles exploring various aspects of Manchu history and Manchu-language archives. His most recent article, “Guanyu xin Qingshi de jige wenti” “关于新清史的几个问题”, appeared in Qingdai zhengzhi yu guojia rentong 《清代政治与国家认同》(Beijing: Renmin daxue, 2012).

Devin Fitzgerald

Devin Fitzgerald (PhD, Harvard) is Curator of Rare Books and History of Printing at the UCLA Library. His primary research focuses on different forms of intercultural communication in the early modern period. His dissertation was a study of the cultural and intellectual history of the Ming-Qing conflict from a global perspective. He is a staff writer for The Ultimate History Project. Visit his academic profile here.

Loretta Kim

Loretta E. Kim (PhD, Harvard) is associate professor of China Studies at the University of Hong Kong. Her principal research interests are the early modern history of Northeast Asia, particularly the greater Amur River region, the northeastern and northwestern frontiers of China, and inter-East Asian social and cultural relations. Her recent teaching work includes courses in modern Chinese history, modern Asian history, ethno-history, and historical method and practice. Since 2011, she has also offered periodic Manchu language courses for undergraduate and graduate students in Hong Kong.

Check out her “Meet a Member” profile to learn more about her work with Manchu!

Carla Nappi

CarlaCarla Nappi (PhD, Princeton) is the Andrew W. Mellon Chair in the Department of History at the University of Pittsburgh. She works in the history of China, of science and medicine, and of early modern translation. She is interested in the translation among words, things, and bodies, and she tends to worry about epistemic and textual architecture and the objects that emerge from it. You can also find her hosting New Books in East Asian Studies and co-hosting New Books in Science, Technology, and Society.
Visit her websites and

David Porter

DavidDavid Porter (PhD, Harvard) is Faculty Lecturer in the Departments of History and East Asian Studies at McGill University. His research focuses on the Qing banner system, in particular its ethnically Han component, and the role of the Manchu language and translation in the Qing empire.

Yuanyuan Qiu 邱源媛

QIU Yuanyuan earned a PhD from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 2006. She began to learn and use Manchu from 2003. Her main research fields are the court rites and music of the Qing Dynasty, the Eight Banner system and Bannermen society of North China. Her representative works are The Court Rites and Music during the Early Qing《清前期宫廷礼乐研究》(Social Sciences Academic Press, 2012), “Household Registration Booklets of the Estate Stewards under the Imperial Household Department: Population Registers and Genealogies.”《清代内务府庄头户口册:丁册与家谱》(Survival Strategies of the Family in East Asia, Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies, 2012.)

Mårten Söderblom Saarela

rten Söderblom Saarela (PhD, Princeton) is Assistant Research Fellow at the Institute of Modern History of Academia Sinica. His research interests include the history of scholarship in the Qing empire (1644–1911). He is the author of a dissertation on lexicography and phonology in China’s long eighteenth century, looking primarily at Manchu dictionaries and Manchu-inspired theoretical treatises on language.

View his Personal website here.

Yulian Wu

Yulian Wu received her BA and MA from the Department of Chinese Literature and Language in Nanjing University, China, and earned her PhD from the History Department at University of California, Davis in 2012. She is a an assistant professor at the History Department of Michigan State University. Her dissertation adopts the perspective from scholarship on material culture to study Huizhou salt merchants in 18th-century China. Her current project studies the production and consumption of jade objects during the High Qing era. As a gender historian, Yulian also studies widow chastity cult, women’s writing, and masculinity in the Qing dynasty.

 Huanxi Zhao 赵寰熹

Huanxi Zhao is an Assistant Professor at the College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China. She received her Ph.D. in Historical Geography from Peking University. Her research interests include Historical geography, Beijing Studies, and Manchu studies. She has published a number of articles including “On the Influence of Ethnic Language on the Research into Historical Culture and Geographical Names” and “Discussion on the Affair and Effect of the Migration of Banner People from the Inner City in Kangxi Period”, Journal of Chinese Historical Geography.”


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