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  • Manchu Studies in Korea

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    A recent article in the Journal of Cultural Interaction in East Asia by Choe Yungchul details the state of Manchu studies in Korea. While the field is still relatively new,…

  • Manchu hymn chanted at the occasion of the victory over the Jinchuan Rebels

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    Elif Akçetin University of Illinois at Chicago Hymne mantchou chanté à l’occasion de la conquête du Jin-chuan Manchu hymn chanted at the occasion of the victory over the Jinchuan Rebels…

  • HYL Digitization Project

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    Good news manjurists! The Harvard-Yenching Library has announced that it will begin digitizing the library’s Manchu and Mongolian collections in the near future: “In case that you missed this extremely…

  • Manchu Takes Note

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    A recent conference at Harvard University on note taking and related practices featured a visit to the Harvard-Yenching Library . The visit introduced the exciting world of Manchu manuscripts to a…


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