Recent Posts

  • An Exploration of “Knowing” in Manchu

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    Jack Rabinovitch Jack Rabinovitch is a PhD student in the Department of Linguistics at Harvard University with a special interest in Manchu language. His research focuses on cross-linguistic approaches to…

  • AAS Meeting Agenda

    Dear Members and Friends of the Manchu Studies Group, We warmly invite you to participate in our meeting-in-conjunction at this year’s AAS conference, scheduled to March 24 (Wed) 2021, 8:30-10pm…

  • Manchu Sections of Qing Routine Memorials on Legal Matters

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Manchu Sections of Qing Routine Memorials on Legal Matters

    Preetam Prakash Preetam Prakash is a PhD student in the Department of History at Stanford University. His research focuses on Qing legal and political history and he is interested in…

  • Manchu Studies at AAS 2021

    Save the Date: Manchu Studies Group Meeting-in-Conjunction at AAS 2021! Dear members and friends: We are pleased to announce that the Manchu Studies Group will host a meeting-in-conjunction over ZOOM…

  • The War of the Arrows as Seen through Qing Archery Manuals

    Thumbnail for the post titled: The War of the Arrows as Seen through Qing Archery Manuals

    Austin Hudgins Austin Hudgins is a PhD student in the Department of East Asian Studies at Princeton University as well as a traditional archery practitioner For those interested in Qing…

  • Conversation with Brian Tawney: The Portland Manchu Reading Group and the English Translation of the Manzhou shilu

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Conversation with Brian Tawney: The Portland Manchu Reading Group and the English Translation of the Manzhou shilu

    Ice aniya amba urgun okini, gucuse! ᡳᠴᡝ ᠠᠨᡳᠶᠠ ᠠᠮᠪᠠ ᡠᡵᡤᡠᠨ ᠣᡴᡳᠨᡳ᠈ ᡤᡠᠴᡠᠰᡝ᠉ Happy new year of 2021 from the Manchu Studies Group! Wishing you all continued good health and good spirits as we prepare to…

  • Meet a Member: David Porter

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Meet a Member: David Porter

    In this website feature, we are having Manchu Studies Group members introduce themselves, their research, and the role of Manchu in their work. If you are a member who would…

  • Bukūri Yongšon: The Manchu Foundation Myth

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Bukūri Yongšon: The Manchu Foundation Myth

    Greetings from the Manchu Studies Group! We have a special gift for you.  Almost fourteen years ago, Dr. Loretta Kim, then a graduate student at Harvard, worked with students in…

  • September 2020 Update

    Dear Friends / Gucuse of the Manchu Studies Group, With the beginning of a new academic year here in the US, it is our pleasure to send to you this…

  • Meet a Member: Loretta Kim

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Meet a Member: Loretta Kim

    In this website feature, we are having Manchu Studies Group members introduce themselves, their research, and the role of Manchu in their work. If you are a member who would…


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