Recent Posts

  • Call for Proposals

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    Planning to Propose a Manchu-Related Panel for the AAS 2016 Annual Conference? Read On! In anticipation of the 2016 Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference (March 31 – April 3…

  • Panels at AAS Chicago

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    MSG Members and/or Panels of Interest at the 2015 AAS meeting in Chicago This is a list (arranged alphabetically) we have drafted to help those with an interest in Manchu…

  • Annual Meeting

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    The Manchu Studies Group is happy to announce our annual meeting at the 2015 AAS Annual Conference, taking place in Chicago, Illinois, March 26-March 29, 2015. Meeting Location: Sheraton Chicago…

  • The New Saksaha

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    This December marked the re-release of Saksaha: A Journal of Manchu Studies. This has been a long time in the making, and we here at MSG are excited by the…

  • Notes from the Archives: The First Historical Archives of China

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    David Porter Ph.D. Candidate, Harvard University I spent two months this summer at the First Historical Archives in Beijing. This post is intended to provide a few updates on Macabe…

  • Qianlong the Petty Tyrant

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    David Porter Ph.D. Candidate, Harvard University This post is based on a Manchu language lufu zouzhe (錄副奏摺) that I found in the First Historical Archives in Beijing on a research…

  • New issue of Manzokushi kenkyū is out

    We have just received the latest issue of Manzokushi kenkyū 『満族史研究』(Volume 12, December 2013).  As many readers will know, the journal began in 1991 as Manzokushi kenkyū tsūshin, and “graduated”…

  • Altaic Storytelling

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    MSG is lucky enough to receive regular updates from Bruce Humes, author of the blog Altaic Storytelling. He recently sent us a few items of note. First, there is good news…

  • Who were the Manchu mapmakers?

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Who were the Manchu mapmakers?

    Mario Cams Ph.D. Candidate, KU Leuven When a large project to map the Qing territories was initiated early on during the 18th century, officials of various backgrounds were selected to…

  • Two Encounters on the Riverbank

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    By Eric Schluessel Ph.D. Candidate, Harvard University Consider the Ili River. Along its southern banks, in what is now Cabcal Sibe Autonomous County in Xinjiang, the Sibe were resettled as…


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